Sjoa Rafting AS offers MUCH more than rafting!
We are the oldest of the white water rafting companies along Sjoa, and our trips are based on more than 35 years of experience taking over 150.000 guests rafting with us.
From our idyllic camp on the shores of Sjoa, a small oasis surrounded by a beautiful cultural landscape with brown-timbered log houses, you can choose from many exciting experiences and the great memories will stay with you for a long time.
Experiences on
water, on land and
in the air
We offer much more than just rafting! – Our mission is to give you the ultimate rafting experience and activities out of the ordinary with individually tailored accommodation and catering. Life is about living on the edge … of Sjoa. We do!
Welcome to
our oasis
on the banks of Sjoa!
The camp is a green oasis ON the banks of the river Sjoa. A world-class rafting river. The camp has a small pond where guests can fish and canoe, as well as spend the night in the wilderness camp on the island surrounded by Norwegian nature, while you fall asleep to the soothing sound of the river after a long day. The camp has lavvoers, sleeping houses, log cabins. Here you will also find a large covered campfire area, hot tubs and a rafting bar as well as a large food house with dining room. We use fresh and as much as possible local ingredients from Gudbrandsdalen to ensure the taste and quality of our meals.
We have even more exciting experiences to offer on the shore of Sjoa!
to out oasis
on the banks of Sjoa!

The camp is a green oasis ON the banks of the river Sjoa. A world-class rafting river. The camp has a small pond where guests can fish and canoe, as well as spend the night in the wilderness camp on the island surrounded by Norwegian nature, while you fall asleep to the soothing sound of the river after a long day. The camp has lavvoers, sleeping houses, log cabins. Here you will also find a large covered campfire area, hot tubs and a rafting bar as well as a large food house with dining room. We use fresh and as much as possible local ingredients from Gudbrandsdalen to ensure the taste and quality of our meals.
We have even more exciting experiences to offer on the shore of Sjoa!
Our event packages
Every group is unique, so we also offer tailor-made trips, where you can put together your rafting experience. To make it easy for you, we have prepared complete packages, with a full itinerary, that contain our most popular combinations of rafting trips, activities, food, and accommodation. Among our packages, you will find different experiences of different durations, whether experienced or a beginner.
Click on Our packages to see the entire selection

2 days
Double the fun
A package with both rafting and canyoning for those who want to experience the best of Sjoa.

Short stay in Sjoa
Actionfilled rafting package in Sjoa for those who want intense experiences day and night!

1-2 days
Wild, beautiful and raw
Adrenaline rush and fits of laughter guaranteed – perfect for celebrating friendship!

Welcome to the
world’s best classroom!
Many schools return to Sjoa year after year. We welcome ages from middle school to student groups.
Activities that increase
the pulse and og brings
a smile to the lips
Although rafting on Sjoa is our main attraction, we also offer a wide range of activities, whether the group will be shaken together with a pentathlon, or you want to be challenged by canyoning, river boarding or paddling packraft in Sjoa, jumping off bridges or playing paintball. The possibilities are many!
Most of our activities are based on the natural resources found in and around the area by the Sjoa River, so you get very close to the forces of nature. You are brought closer to the Norwegian wilderness and the exciting opportunities it offers. It should be fun when you visit us!
Activities that increase
the pulse and og brings
a smile to the lips

Although rafting on Sjoa is our main attraction, we also offer a wide range of activities, whether the group will be shaken together with a pentathlon, or you want to be challenged by canyoning, river boarding or paddling packraft in Sjoa, jumping off bridges or playing paintball. The possibilities are many!
Most of our activities are based on the natural resources found in and around the area by the Sjoa River, so you get very close to the forces of nature. You are brought closer to the Norwegian wilderness and the exciting opportunities it offers. It should be fun when you visit us!
Life is too short
– come rafting on Sjoa!
We offer rafting trips for all levels. Our guides are dedicated to giving you the best experience. Short trip rafting takes you on 11 km of the best kilometers on Sjoa at 10:00 and 15:00. On our rafting day trip we raft the most interesting part of the Sjoa river, twice in fact, as the only company in the valley. Lunch is served here during the trip. Rafting in Aasengjuvet is the ultimate adrenaline-filled rafting challenge designed for experienced adventurers who want to test their rafting skills against the most challenging parts of the river. The classic is a 2-day rafting trip, where you get everything the Sjoa river has to offer! Family rafting gives a taste of the excitement of rafting.
Click on Our rafting trips to see the full selection.

3 hours

5 hours

7 hours

2 days

2,5 hours
Small glimpses from our ”playground”
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Follow #sjoarafting on adventures!
Sed nec sodales urna, sit amet gravida velit. Pellentesque placerat porttitor risus vitae facilisis. Nulla facilisi. Etiam non leo risus. Quisque mollis lorem ut justo vehicula fringilla. Ut nisl purus, consequat eu interdum placerat, faucibus quis lectus. Proin massa dui, accumsan quis pretium nec, elementum vitae dui. Suspendisse a ullamcorper orci. Pellentesque condimentum pulvinar magna, et ultricies ante venenatis et. Praesent et mauris erat. Sed turpis metus, consectetur ut risus ut, ultrices aliquet leo. Pellentesque vehicula consequat consectetur. Nullam bibendum sagittis leo sed dapibus. Curabitur quis mauris massa.
Maecenas congue laoreet mi, et porta arcu facilisis in. Mauris sed aliquet massa, in vehicula enim. Fusce enim ipsum, convallis non aliquet nec, faucibus quis massa. Nam at metus eu ex ultricies commodo a ac nibh. Integer id iaculis justo. Cras luctus non nibh ut auctor. Donec massa sem, ultrices sit amet nibh id, blandit posuere lorem. Ut quis tempor justo. Etiam finibus, arcu id blandit vehicula, velit metus sagittis ante, ut elementum eros urna sit amet lectus.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Cras euismod urna quam, ut lobortis ligula volutpat vel. Suspendisse mauris tortor, pellentesque nec fermentum tempus, commodo eget est. Morbi eu sollicitudin ex. Aliquam erat volutpat. Praesent nec tortor nisl. Phasellus eget nisl turpis. In venenatis quam nec tortor efficitur, consectetur sodales turpis iaculis. Proin id arcu eu magna aliquet commodo non at risus.
Hva er de forskjellige vanskelighetsgradene i rafting?
Vanskelighetsgradene i rafting varierer fra grad I til VI. Grad I er lette stryk med minimal fare, mens grad V representerer ekstremt utfordrende stryk med høy faregrad, grad VI er uhyre ekstremt. Vi er ikke så opptatt av graderingene, høy vanskelighetsgrad er ikke synonymt med å ha en god opplevelse på elva.
Hvordan forbereder jeg meg på en raftingtur?
Forberedelser for en raftingtur inkluderer å kle seg riktig med våtdrakt og annet sikkerhetsutstyr. Fysisk trening for å styrke kjernemuskulaturen er nyttig. Sjoa Rafting AS gir spesifikke pakkelister og informasjon om hva du kan forvente.
Hvorfor er Sjoas elv den beste for rafting?
Sjoa elv regnes som en av de beste for rafting på grunn av sin varierte og utfordrende karakter. Elva tilbyr alt fra rolige partier til mer krevende stryk. Sjoa Rafting AS gir innsikt i hva som gjør dette området unikt for raftingopplevelsen.