Sjoa! Intense experiences on the rafting trip down Sjoa itself. Water splashes in your face and cheers in the raft – great atmosphere, a sense community and nature. The trip begins and ends in our rafting camp on the riverbank. Rafting trips can easily be combined with other exciting activities, meals and accommodation.

Short trip on Sjoa
3 hours
Varied trip on Sjoa’s most popular rafting route. Calm start and fresh ending. The trip ends by paddling into our camp. Participants are equipped with wetsuits, wet shoes, helmet, life jacket.
Day trip to Sjoa
5 hours
Sjoa’s best day trip! At normal and high water levels, we raft famous Sjoa’s very best stretch several times a day.

Aasengjuvet in Sjoa
7 hours
Wild, wild, wildest! Aasengjuvet is the most demanding rafting trip on Sjoa. A long and demanding test of strength taking us through a dramatic river gorge that will put both you and the collaboration in the fleet to the test. Must be experienced!
The classic at Sjoa
2 days
Best of Sjoa! This is the river adventure for those who want to experience everything that Sjoa has to offer in one go. The trip starts with a short trip in the afternoon on day one and on day two, we raft the dramatic and demanding Aasengjuvet.

Family rafting
2,5 hours
A little east of Sjoa Rafting AS is Sjoa Familierafting on the banks of the neighboring river Lågen. Here you will find great events for the whole family with rafting and other activities focusing on children from the age of 3. On this trip, you and your family can join rafting on Gudbrandsdalslågen.